Party Extras
Character appearance
Choose one or our Piglets, Huey, Buster, Sally or Cecil the Wolf. (subject to availability)
£15. Character appears during your party food, will be present for the cake ceremony & photos.
Adults Food platter
Served when the children are eating, up to 5 adults. Includes items such as chips, garlic bread, sausages etc - £18.99
Mini Disco
Add a mini disco to your fun n play party for only £20
Teddy Mountain - Build a Bear
Create your own 16" teddy bear at Brean Play
Heart, Certificate & Bag included
Birthday Child receives FREE bear costume!
Add to your party for £10 per person
Childs ice cream tub per person £2.00
Pottery Painting
Add pottery painting to your fun n play party £4 per person
Sand Art
Create a masterpiece to take home. 1 hour play followed by 30 mins sand art and 30 minutes for food. Max party size 14. Suitable for 4 years and over. £4pp.
Face Painting
£3 per child. (subject to availability)
Balloons on a stick
£1 per balloon.
Adults Drink platter
Standard tea/coffee tray, up to 5 adults - £9.99